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April 5th Saturday 1:30 pm - NMA Big Band - at the ELKS

April 13th Sunday 1:30 pm - Angela Verbrugge Quartet (Victoria) - at 40 Knots. Click for information on Angela Verbrugge Quartet

April 17th Thursday 7 pm - Carl Mayotte Quintette (Montreal) - at 40 Knots. Click for more information on Carl Mayotte


May 1st Thursday 7 pm - BROWNMAN ELECTRYC TRIO (New York) - at 40 Knots

May 15thThursday 7 pm - Skye Douglas Project - at 40 Knots. Click for information on Skye Douglas Project

May 29thThursday 7 pm - Vintage Velvet with Mel McCutcheon - at 40 Knots


June 5thThursday 7 pm - Kate Wyatt Quartet (Montreal) - at 40 Knots

June 19thThursday 7 pm - Jenn Forseland Ensemble (Bangkok/Comox) - at 40 Knots


July 3rdThursday 7 pm - Jeff Agopsowicz Quintet - at 40 Knots

July 17thThursday 7 pm - CYMC Faculty - at 40 Knots. Greg Bush, trumpet; Adam Robertson, drums; Cayleigh Borsboom, sax; Steve Wallace, bass; James Darling, piano.

July 31st Thursday 7 pm - Monik Nordine Trio (Victoria) - at 40 Knots


August 7th Thursday 7 pm - Jeff Drummond Ensemble) - at 40 Knots

August 21st Thursday 7 pm - Dave Blinzinger Sextet - at 40 Knots


September 4th Thursday 7 pm - Jodi Proznick (Vancouver) - at 40 Knots

September 18th Thursday 7 pm - String Fever - at 40 Knots. Click for information on String Fever


October 2nd Thursday 7 pm - Attila Fias Quartet (Victoria) TICKETED - at 40 Knots